Soul Rush Records Ultimate Dance Vocals Volume 2

By | July 6, 2016


Soul Rush Records Ultimate Dance Vocals Volume 2
Size 608 Mb 

This pack features stunning individual hook lines and soulful double tracked backing vocal harmony sections that can be used to accentuate the hook lines or can also be used as individual lines; effectively two separate vocal parts that work together or solo. The backing vocals are all double tracked.

The wavs are in three bpms and three keys, all clearly labeled recorded and performed by professional vocalists from London.

There are 3 singers on this pack; their voices and samples were all hand picked by vocalist, producer and Soul Rush Records label head Tigerlight (who has collabed with Far Too Loud, Dodge & Fuski, Document One, High Rankin and more).

The singers’ credits include Worldwide radio airplay, world tour as a featured Artist and backing vocalists for major artists.

A Total of 468 Wav Files
Featuring 3 Female Vocalists
180 Vocal Phrases including Lead Vocals and Two part harmony double tracked backing Vocals
12 Adlibs
110BPM in Cmajor & Aminor
140BPM in Fminor & Aminor
174BPM in Fminor & Aminor

110BPM Vocals Pack Contains:
163 Wav Files
Featuring 3 Female Vocalists
4 Adlibs

140BPM Vocals Pack Contains:
157 Wav Files
Featuring 3 Female Vocalists
4 Adlibs

174BPM Vocals Pack Contains:
157 Wav Files
Featuring 3 Female Vocalists
4 Adlibs

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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