Polysonic Hardest Trap

By | December 21, 2016

Polysonic Hardest Trap

Polysonic Hardest Trap
Size 189 Mb

It’s time to take your Trap production to another level!

Hardest Trap brings you the best sounds & tools to make the biggest, nastiest & grimiest tracks ever heard.
Hundreds of One Shots, Huge 808s, Brass hits, Loops, Synths, FX & More!

Blast out your trap production to the next level & Download Hardest Trap NOW.

What’s in the pack –

– Trap 808s
– Trap Brass
– Trap Claps
– Trap Crashes & Rides
– Trap Drum Loops
– Trap Fills
– Trap Kicks
– Trap SFX
– Trap Snares
– Trap Synth Loops
– Trap Synth One Shots

All samples are High-Quality 24-bit WAV & 100% Royalty Free.

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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