kitsohard Brazilian Loops and Percussion

By | August 20, 2016


kitsohard Brazilian Loops and Percussion
Size 375 MbĀ 

This pack is full of Afro Brazilian rhythms, melodies, raw sounds and tons of sampling opportunities. I had an amazing time playing and recording these sounds and I’m positive you will love using them with your productions.” – Charles Holt

13 Original structured loop tracks + STEMS (160 stem loops total)
Maschine ready + chopped up!
BONUS “Images & Echoes” EP by Charles Holt
Instruments & Sounds Played: Berimbau, Pandeiro, Bacurinha, Surdo, Alfaia, Agogo, Coco, Cuica, RecoReco, Triangulo, Caixa, Caxixi, Tambourin, Rocar, Acoustic Guitar steel/nylon, Bass,
Piano, Synth and drum machine
Comes in Stereo WAV 16/44 formatting
Compatible with any DAW (Protools, Reason, Logic, Ableton, Fruity Loops, etc)
All sounds are royalty-free

Part 1
Part 2

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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