Engineering Samples Bassline Madness Vol 1

By | June 14, 2016


Engineering Samples Bassline Madness Vol 1
Size 518 Mb 

„Bassline Madness Vol.1“ is the latest output of Engineering Samples.

It contains 5 Construction Kits with over 880 MB of Loops and Samples from badass Basslines, energetic Lead Synths, powerful Drums, smashing Kickdrums, tonal & Noise FX and much more.

This pack takes influence from diverse Artists like Swanky Tunes, Hard Rock Sofa, Amersy, and many more.

Of course most of the sounds are available as Dry & Wet and with or without Sidechain to give you maximum flexibilty.

The aim was to deliver a powerful Sampling Pack specially designed for Electro House Producer.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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