Constructed Sounds Uplifting Techno Constructions Bundle 01

By | February 15, 2017

Constructed Sounds Uplifting Techno Constructions Bundle 01

Constructed Sounds Uplifting Techno Constructions Bundle 01
Size 449 Mb 

This massive techno bundle contains the following packs:

Constructed Sounds – Uplifting Techno Constructions Vol.1
Constructed Sounds – Uplifting Techno Constructions Vol.2
Constructed Sounds – Uplifting Techno Constructions Vol.3

The total unzipped file size is 760 MB.

*Other genres that this package may be useful in:

• House
• Minimal
• Sound FX
• Deep House

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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