MSXII Sound Vox Vernacular 2

By | July 7, 2016


MSXII Sound Vox Vernacular 2
Size 8 MbĀ 

MSXII is pleased bring back by popular demand the Vox Vernacular 2! Similar to it’s previous release, those oddities that remind you of the late 60s/70s are back! Your favorite uncle deacon’s phrases, cool sayings, hip talk, and much more is in here to be chopped, rearranged, and played as-is to give your sound some content that will stand out. Again, these samples were recorded after offering, but before the doors of the chuuch were opened! Cop Vox Vernacular 2 (and version 1 if you dont have it yet) today!

Kit Details:

64 samples of originally recorded material by MSXII Sound Design in 16 bit .wav format
Signal chain Michael Joly Neumann U87ai clone/mod mic –> Neve 511 pre –> Colour Palette –> Apollo interface
Vintage coloring process for an authentic feel and character
Features the samples used in the demo + way more!
Compatible with all DAWs and samplers that accept .wav format

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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