SoundMorph Steampunk Weapons

By | April 4, 2017

SoundMorph Steampunk Weapons

SoundMorph Steampunk Weapons
Size 633 Mb 

Where weapons past meets the future

Our newest sound library is here: Steampunk Weapons! We mixed the old with the new to make this uniquely diversified collection of weapons. Combining modern recording techniques with metal, rusted objects, and synthesis, if you need some more weapons that break the mold of traditional weapons, this is the colleciton for you!


Featuring over 40 different weapons, we went all out to bring you plenty of options. Just look at the list below or download the PDF excel sheet to get an idea of all that you get. Steampunk Weapons features more than 650 files, 1.13GB of 24bit/96khz .WAV files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer and Basehead metadata. Look below for a detalied list of the weapons:
– Angry Daddy
– B Eva
– Back from the Past
– Big Fuckin Gun
– Bio Machine
– Bolt Gun
– Bucket Gun
– Bulb Presser Gun
– Cash Machine Gun
– Clack Gun
– Clicker Gun
– Destroyer
– Destructor
– Drivetrain Rifle
– Electro Gun
– Electrocutor Gun
– Eviscerator
– Firestorm Flamer
– Grenade Launcher and Shells
– Handgun Foley
– Impulse Gun
– Magnet Gun
– Metal Chunker Gun
– Metal Daddy
– Mine Machine
– Mini Bolt
– Pulse Gun
– Rail Gun
– Rebel Bio
– Rocket Launcher
– Rocket Launcher semi-auto
– Screamer
– Shotgun
– Shotgun NL
– Steam Gun
– Steamer
– Thorn
– Tube Gun
– Uber God Gun

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

Demo Preview:=”1″]
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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