Dream Audio Tools Handrums Kontakt Library

By | November 1, 2016

Dream Audio Tools Handrums Kontakt Library

Dream Audio Tools Handrums
Size 185 Mb 

Handrums is our new library featuring a wide selection of Drum Instruments released playing drums with hands, fingers and other body parts. As a result we obtained a drum sound with a marked raw and tribal character.

Handrums features two kicks, a snare, two low toms, two mid toms and one small tom. All multivelocity and with round-robins (up to five round robins). Depending on the kit part we used one single hand, two hands, fingers, elbow to get a complete sound menu. Also we added a nice selection of rolls and flames as a bonus.

Handrums is perfect for adding lively percussive sounds and drumming to a really wide range of styles, including Pop, Rock, Rnb, Hip Hop, and Cinematic/Action.


All samples 24 bit 44.100 Khz
A comprehensive choice of Drums instruments featuring Single layerable kit instruments, Multi ensemble instruments, Full sets, Sound Tools
Each Instrument Multivelocity and has Round Robins (up to five)
34 .nki patches and 15 multi .nkm patches
470 Mbytes of sampled material
Low memory usage, Laptop ready
Designed effect variations activable (Delay, Reverb, Saturation, Degrader)
Please note: full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4 or above is required

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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