Beatlab Audio Hyper Vol 1 Sylenth Presets

By | September 5, 2016

Beatlab Audio Hyper Vol 1

Beatlab Audio Hyper Vol 1
Size 4 Mb 

BEATLAB AUDIO proudly presents ‘HYPER SYLENTH‘ containing 110 powerful presets for Sylenth 2.21

Inside you will find a wide range of patches from the Filthiest Basslines to Super Leads, Euphoric Pads to Screaming Hooks, Angelic Plucks and much more to step your productions up a gear or two!

Hyper Sylenth is perfectly suited to cater for an endless list of EDM genres such as Electro / House / Complextro / Prog / Trance / DnB / Dubstep / + more

A must have for your Sylenth preset collection!

110 Presets
35 Bass Presets
40 Lead Presets
28 Synth Presets
07 Pad Presets

Multi Genre Compatible

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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